William and I are heading to Iowa to help Hillary win the Presidency and take this country back from the special interests. This will be our daily Blog. It is our intention to file reports on our activities every single day from 12/28/07 through 1/4/08 . Here you can find out what kind of exciting activities we are up to in Iowa. You can also get our take on how the campaign is fairing in this great state. Our daily posts will start on the evening of December 28th!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Iowa: Land of friendly, thoughtful people....

Our first full day on the caucus trail was a busy one indeed. We started this morning with a staff meeting attended by our Region 1 (Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Dubuque, and eastern Iowa) staff. We then were given our list of contacts for door to door canvassing and hit the road. Robert and I were assigned the Cedar Falls area. I was impressed once again by the friendly spirit of the people of Iowa, just as I have been in my previous campaign experiences in Florida in 2000 and in Wisconsin in 2004. Again and again we were met with thoughtful people who freely gave us their time to explain there caucus intentions. In the afternoon we were scheduled to attend a 3 pm class for precinct captains at the labor temple we are working from in Waterloo. This training was given by AFSCME staff and entailed the entire caucus process. I found the training to be very informative, in light of my complete ignorance of what really transpires here. I had no concept of the wide-open process and of the nuances that make the caucus system so different from what we are used to in New York. In the caucus system used here, a candidate must have a 15% showing of those who choose to attend in each precinct or they are considered “not viable”. Their supporters can then either throw their support behind another “viable” candidate or can simply walk out of the caucus. Supporters of viable candidates can attempt to persuade supporters of those found not viable to join them. There is a thirty-minute time limit to attempt to accomplish this. It sounds to me like a possible madhouse, but they assure me that it works! I am looking forward to seeing what I learned put into practice this Thursday. Following the training we were told that Hillary will be visiting Cedar Falls tomorrow, and we will, of course, be in attendance. We then returned to the streets to continue to canvass, ending our day by returning to the temple just after 8 pm. I am now watching the Giants attempt to beat New England. Following the game I am turning in for the night to rest my aching knees. I send all my best to each of you and look forward to seeing you upon our return.

With warm regards;

- Bill


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All work in On the road to the White House 2008 is copyrighted (© 2007-08 ). Every effort is made to cite sources for all articles. All other material is in the copyright of the respectful owners. This site is based on opinions and personal interpretations of events. Advertising on this site is done using reputable companies and no known spyware or adware is present. If you find anything that is not properly cited or used inappropriately please comment. This web site is for the use of Bill and Robert and their friends and is not meant to be politically correct. While we strongly support Hillary Clinton for President, this site is not associated with the official Hillary campaign or any other campaign for that matter.

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