William and I are heading to Iowa to help Hillary win the Presidency and take this country back from the special interests. This will be our daily Blog. It is our intention to file reports on our activities every single day from 12/28/07 through 1/4/08 . Here you can find out what kind of exciting activities we are up to in Iowa. You can also get our take on how the campaign is fairing in this great state. Our daily posts will start on the evening of December 28th!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why I Support Hillary Clinton

By Rep. Jim McGovern

As you know, I have long opposed the war in Iraq and have consistently fought hard to end it. I also strongly support Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Presidency. Yes, I believe she voted the wrong way the first time - but so did every other candidate who was in office when the vote happened (the exception being my good friend, Dennis Kucinich). But, to be totally honest--after five long years of war--I'm less interested in the past and more interested in what's next.

Hillary has made it clear: If George Bush hasn't ended his war by January 2008, then as President she will. I believe her. If I didn't, there is no way in hell that I would endorse her. She has the much-needed skill, ability, strength and standing to bring this sad chapter in our history to an end. It won't be easy, but she will do it.

I am the co-chair of the House Hunger Caucus in the Congress, which is dedicated to implementing policies that will end domestic and world-wide hunger. The fact that in 2007 anyone in America or around the world is hungry is one of the greatest moral failings of our generation. Hunger is a political condition. We have the resources to end it; but we lack the political will. Hillary will change that.

On the domestic side, Hillary's record on ending hunger in America is impeccable. She will expand the safety net and will champion policies to eradicate poverty.

On the international front, Hillary is a strong backer of universal school feeding programs and is the author of legislation calling for a global commitment to universal education. Imagine if the United States were known around the world as the leader in an effort to end hunger, illiteracy and hopelessness. Imagine if the world's poor looked at us as part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Hillary gets it. She understands that we must move in a dramatically different direction in order to create a safer, more tolerant and more just world. And, just as important, she has the leadership skills to implement change.

If Hillary is President, the world will change overnight. She understands we need a foreign policy that represents what we're for--and not just what we're against.

I am also backing Hillary because I believe in health care for all. It's a national scandal that so many in our country--the richest nation on earth--do not have health care. She has been a leader on this issue longer than anyone and has a plan that will cover everyone.

All the Democratic candidates for President are quality individuals who would lead this country infinitely better than George Bush. I know Hillary and believe she's not only a good candidate but a good, decent and honorable person. I want change--and I want it badly. I view Hillary's candidacy as not only change--but also as bold and history-making.

Let's face it--the next President of the United States will inherit a mess. It will take not only vision, but skill to fix it all. Hillary has both. I am proud to stand with her.

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