William and I are heading to Iowa to help Hillary win the Presidency and take this country back from the special interests. This will be our daily Blog. It is our intention to file reports on our activities every single day from 12/28/07 through 1/4/08 . Here you can find out what kind of exciting activities we are up to in Iowa. You can also get our take on how the campaign is fairing in this great state. Our daily posts will start on the evening of December 28th!!!

Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve in North Eastern Iowa…

Dear Friends and Other Gentle People;

First, Happy New Year. Today more then all the other days spent in Iowa I miss my family. My daughter Breanna (picture to the left) loves this Holiday and enjoys staying up to see the “ball drop”. Sadly, I will not be there to share this moment with her. However, the work Bill and I are doing out here in Iowa is critically important to the future of our nation, making our sacrifices well worth it.

We now have been assigned three caucus sites Bill and I will be working with. Our effort today was attempting to locate AFSCME Caucus Captains for each site. Each Caucus in the region will have an AFSCME presence symbolized by the famous AFSCME green shirts. Bill and I met for over one hour this morning with Lynn McFadden, a retired union member who has aligned herself with the AFSCME effort and will be one of our Caucus Captains. We went through a full Caucus Captain training session in Lynn’s living room. Like Lynn, we are starting to create one-on-one relationships with Pro-Hillary AFSCME members. The bottom line is that we need to get the Pro-Hillary voters to the caucuses. If that effort is successful, Hillary will win in Iowa.

Tomorrow, Bill and I will be delivering caucus packages to AFSCME members who live in rural areas along the Wisconsin border. These packages will help us to ensure the AFSCME effort will reach into every corner of the state of Iowa.

As Bill so eloquently pointed out in a previous post, the Waterloo-Cedar Falls region has become ground zero in this election. Hillary will be in our area again tonight to help welcome in the New Year with the residents of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls region. As you can surmise at this point, Bill and I will be at the Hillary visit helping out in any manner we can.

Good day friends and God Bless,

- Robert

Articles of note:

'You don?t have to yell and scream,' Clinton says

02 days until the Jan. 3, 2008 Iowa caucuses

72 Hours Out: Where Things Stand

Caucus Countdown: Women Keep One Eye on Iowa, the Other on New Hampshire


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