William and I are heading to Iowa to help Hillary win the Presidency and take this country back from the special interests. This will be our daily Blog. It is our intention to file reports on our activities every single day from 12/28/07 through 1/4/08 . Here you can find out what kind of exciting activities we are up to in Iowa. You can also get our take on how the campaign is fairing in this great state. Our daily posts will start on the evening of December 28th!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why I support Hillary Clinton

By: Kris Hasstedt

As soon as I found out that Hillary Clinton was running for president, I immediately went to her Web site to look at her stance on issues.

I looked at every presidential candidate's Web site, both Republican and Democrat, and I narrowed my choice down to two candidates, one being Hillary. I went back and forth for months between the two, and I finally decided that Hillary Clinton is the candidate I believe will make the best president of the United States.

Hillary has fought for children and early childhood development ever since graduating law school and continues to do so. I like Hillary because she has experience reaching across party lines to get legislation passed. I respect the fact that Hillary worked very hard to get the Pentagon to improve health insurance, combat pay and body armor for our troops, and worked with her Republican counterparts to get it done.

I know that Hillary will get us off our dependency on foreign oil, something I believe is long overdue. She is very innovative in the sense that she is considering all types of renewable energy options, whether it's wind or ethanol. I think putting time and money into researching these types of renewable energy sources is a good thing, and she and I agree on that.

One of the most important reasons I am supporting Hillary for president is because of her standing among world leaders. After World War II, America was the hero to the rest of the world. This view has changed drastically since, especially in the past seven years, and I know that Hillary will change the way the rest of the world looks at us. Since she served as first lady, Hillary has befriended many of the leaders of different countries, and she is respected around the globe. I believe Hillary is the only candidate that has what it takes to turn our situation around.

Hillary is very experienced in Washington politics and knows how the game is played. She bore the brunt of the lies and scandals that rocked her husband's presidency, and she knows how these can ruin a politician's career.

As first lady she withstood this type of behavior from her peers. She did it again when she ran for Senate and won by a landslide, and she's doing it again as a presidential candidate.

Every day, she has people slamming her for something and yet she continues to lead in the polls. We need a president who can take criticism and continue to do her job. To me, this is the sign of a great presidential candidate, and I see that in Hillary.

I have had the opportunity to meet Hillary a couple of times, and every time I have, she has been very personable. Hillary is always willing to take a picture or sign something while she is engaged in conversation.

I think that all of the things I mentioned above put her above all of her competition, and that's why I do and will support a Hillary Clinton administration.

- Kris Hasstedt is a senior in liberal studies from Ames.

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