William and I are heading to Iowa to help Hillary win the Presidency and take this country back from the special interests. This will be our daily Blog. It is our intention to file reports on our activities every single day from 12/28/07 through 1/4/08 . Here you can find out what kind of exciting activities we are up to in Iowa. You can also get our take on how the campaign is fairing in this great state. Our daily posts will start on the evening of December 28th!!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

My report- We traveled for most of the day.

When we reached Minneapolis, Minnesota, and were boarding our puddle jumper for Waterloo, there was an announcement that “some passengers” needed to have new seat assignments to balance out the load on the plane. You can imagine my surprise when only my companion was asked to change seats! Seriously, we arrived in time to canvass some Iowans, and we were genuinely surprised at the lack of political signs, ads, etc., that are visible in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. Tomorrow we start with a staff meeting and then we will be going door to door to ensure that Hillary supporters will attend the caucuses and to offer anyone who needs it a ride on caucus day. This is vital work and we are determined to push as hard as we can to put Hillary over the top. Stay tuned, we will fill you in on every step from now through caucus day.

Warm Regards;

- Bill


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All work in On the road to the White House 2008 is copyrighted (© 2007-08 ). Every effort is made to cite sources for all articles. All other material is in the copyright of the respectful owners. This site is based on opinions and personal interpretations of events. Advertising on this site is done using reputable companies and no known spyware or adware is present. If you find anything that is not properly cited or used inappropriately please comment. This web site is for the use of Bill and Robert and their friends and is not meant to be politically correct. While we strongly support Hillary Clinton for President, this site is not associated with the official Hillary campaign or any other campaign for that matter.

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